
With preventive action, we follow your business from birth to the most advanced stages of growth and acceleration. We are partners with innovative companies and believe in their growth potential. In addition to business services, the KB team is ready to keep up with the dynamics of startups and thus offer solutions that fit this unique business.

The first step is to formalize the Articles of Association. In a second moment, it may be necessary to change the partners and administrators, increase the share capital, address, among other details that must be registered in the competent public agencies. Whether in these everyday situations or more complex needs, the KB team can certainly assist you.

We develop and revise the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of your digital platform, applying simplified and objective communication to ensure that everything is in accordance with the law and best practices in the market.

All companies dealing with their customers personal data must comply with the General Data Protection Act (Law No. 13.709 / 2018). The penalties are significant and leaving this subject for later can be costly. Therefore, count on KB's expert advice to guide you on the procedures to be implemented.

Have you ever imagined being prevented from using your company name or logo? This situation is real and can happen if your Trademark is not registered. Not only the brand, but also your invention or the design of your product. Count on KB's Intellectual Property team to protect you from this threat.

For an innovative business to grow healthily, the company's internal procedures must be standardized and the staff aware. To this end, we develop Internal Policies and Codes of Conduct and offer in-company training to align your team's expectations and organization.


No matter the size of your company or branch of activity. We at KB offer complete and personalized legal advice for your business.

It is the business law division dedicated to preventive legal advisory services. That is, when the attorney's activity is aimed at preventing a future lawsuit or dispute, which, consequently, also contributes to reducing the expenses of the legal area of your company. Among the main activities developed by KB, the following stand out:

A well-prepared contract can avoid a lot of headaches. But understanding law is not enough to accurately elaborate or revise a contract. You must thoroughly understand the real interests of the parties involved and especially their expectations. We at KB believe that customer proximity and objective communication are the best way to achieve these goals.

Every company needs to keep its corporate records up to date. In order to attend this demand, KB's corporate team can assist your company from the drafting and registration of the Articles of Association, through daily changes, to more complex situations involving the entry and exit of partners and managers, as well as in Mergers, Incorporations and Company Divisions.

Successful companies are represented by the plurality of ideas and people. But so that the sum of these ideals does not become a problem, it is essential that they are in accordance with the law and according to the planning of business managers and administrators. To this end, we at KB can assist you with the preparation and review of Internal Procedures Manuals, Codes of Conduct and Customer, Partner and Supplier Relationship Policies.

Successful companies are represented by the plurality of ideas and people. But so that the sum of these ideals does not become a problem, it is essential that they are in accordance with the law and according to the planning of business managers and administrators. To this end, we at KB can assist you with the preparation and review of Internal Procedures Manuals, Codes of Conduct and Customer, Partner and Supplier Relationship Policies.

Internal policies and procedures are essential for the healthy and organized growth of a company. But the intent of these documents needs to be turned into action, because that is the only way to have a practical effect. In simple and objective language, we at KB offer Personalized Training for your company focused on awareness and conflict prevention in the areas of Human Resources and Customer Service (CS).

Litigation legal assistance complements advisory assistance. This happens because, even taking a preventive approach, companies can be affected by legal and administrative proceedings. With KB's contentious legal advice, the client can ensure the protection of their rights and interests safely, effectively and nationwide. Here, we highlight the following litigation sectors:

Legal proceedings involving relevant issues to the company's activities or with high added value.

Judicial and administrative proceedings involving consumer relations.

Defenses in labor claims proposed by former employees.

Union negotiations and collective disputes.

Monitoring of inquiries before the Police Authorities and the Public Prosecution Service, at State and Federal levels, follow-up hearings and full performance in Criminal Proceedings involving situations related to companies and their partners and administrators.

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